FoL Feedback Thread

It’s fun in TOL cause it’s turbo but the neutral goal is super unfun to play as

Like the fool

It’s basically alch but harder


Yes I meant that

Solution to reduce swing on pretender

Make it so if the pretender is elected they just win and then they don’t actually become king. King elections stop and no one is king

or something similar to that


That defeats the point

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No to both

Insurgent is cool tho

I’m just posting them here for reference later

I expect about 15000 ‘become king’ neut suggestions whenever we talk about adding neuts

Something along the lines of: Become King AND BD loses for a wincon would be good

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Neut that protects from conversions and has to survive to prevent 2 conversion


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Right now Pretender is become King AND survive

I’m saying to replace survive with BD loses

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Not that. I’m talking about something different