FoL Feedback Thread

Honestly what if we just don’t do that and make the revived target win with scum


that’s kinda too powerful tho

This might be a good idea, because now that I’m thinking about this ability it would be pretty frustrating to have to go on to the thread just to pretend to be revived for who knows how long, actively working against your own win condition.

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What was the priest change exactly? I’m not sure what is different.

Call The Dead and Bind Soul can be picked up as options, and Mithras’ Puppet went from being a 1 point alt to a 2 point alt.

Priest isn’t really problematic in FOL. ToL is different and things should be considered differently here.


rezzing someone as cult is strong as fuck though

I would be for making the revived person a Vanilla cultist with no special abilities at all though, or some very weak abilities.

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Well, if the Puppet ability were to be changed they most likely wouldn’t be able to use abilities (saw your comment below, read my mind!)

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As the revived guy would probably be caught reasonably soon.

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Yeah that seems better imo.

Didn’t come as surprise if the spiritualist have passive to be immune to occupation, but can be still get caught by the prince first night and not able to use it.

You got to thank me huh?

Oh true, I didn’t think of that.

I mean, to be fair - you can’t use ability while in prince’s cell to begin with whether you have immunity or not.

That include about every class in exception for King.

If Spiritulist gets exed N1 then he deserves to lose tbh.

Well, Prince can’t exe on n1 but there could be a scenario where Prince jails the Spiritualist twice and exes them then technically.

Are you sure? I’m pretty certain Knight and Prince can kill anytime.

Any other killer type except for prince, won’t able to stop the spiritualist from becoming Revenant by killing them when the spiritualist uses the night action to become Revenant.

And it’s safer to use it immediately.

So unless they want to test their luck by doing it later than immediately, they will be indeed, sitting ducks.

Depends on circumstances mid-game where Unseen or Cult is fighting losing battle and RNG decide you have soulmate on BD class, then you have advantage more sufficiently rather than early on since it requires both the good and the bad guys to cooperate to take down Revenant by taking out the soulmate either by lucky kill or voting the soulmate that is bound to Revenant originally forces to find new soulmate we must kill immediately and I doubt the Revenant will share it.

So revival of the Prince is not overpowered?