Quotes That Do Not Age Well

The only reason they made Soldier 76 gay was to virtue signal change my mind

It’s the fire nation attacked meme

What’s a virtue signal

It’s where you blindly give a character a positive trait and then say “Look, they’re a good guy! That trait is good!”

I think it was queerbait but since they actually put it into media they are pardoned

I’m not ready to be a main character

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I remember arguing with Max about that

This quote doesn’t age well and I got bonus points


This quote doesnt age well

False quoting is a punishable offense

Good thing Its not false

:policeman: What happened citizen?

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He wants you to punish him if you know What I mean

I don’t

he’s false quoting me and he hurts my feelings :frowning:

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Breaking the law is a punishable offense.
Lying in a court of law is pretty bad

But in court of law you promise to tell the truth

Yeah, so them FALSE QUOTING is against the law

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Ergo I can enact an execution

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