FoL Feedback Thread

Snow doesn’t exist it’s a myth

Well neither does climate

It does it’s factually proven

Your one of THEM aren’t you

I am just telling the truth

In case I need to reference this later.
Shouldn’t be a problem now, right?


: (

On a seperate note. How come Hunter’s mark is so bad?

because hunter is bad

Shouldn’t we fix that?

It’s not that hard. We could literally make it like ToL Hunter’s mark and it would be actually useful compared to CS


I don’t mean it’s weak

I mean it’s bad


Bear Companion is a bland and boring skill that is way too strong for what it is

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Are counter attacks inherently bad in your mind?


But this is so low risk for such high reward it might as well just be a passive

It’s 2 use and has an abnormally high opportunity cost

Hell. The Knight’s has no risk until he’s already killed someone with it.

So you want high risk, High Reward?

That’s also gross

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