FoL Feedback Thread

I think it’s more on the fact that evils having been gaining majority early and that’s why there aren’t a lot of days, I don’t get how days are much shorter in fol then in tol games

We haven’t changed the KPN right?

I think KPN is about the same as it has been

BD execute every day in FoL and BD Killers kill more

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and it doesnt help that the recent mass claiming especially by killer roles every game is very counterable by the enemy faction depending on rng


BD, D1 of every game: ‘okay, let’s not do a massclaim this time’
BD, D2 of every game: does a massclaim


That actually makes a lot more sense.

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Experimental fol whwre everyone who signs up agrees to NEVER claim their role in the game or soft their role and must push people using their results or try to survive from being lynched as prince

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It’s experimental more on the basis of getting people to agree to a rule to see what happens, but that rule will never go to fol

There are ways for scum to get extra kp, which I’m trying to tone down.

Game is too scumsided

Nerf Scum
Give BD a few more tools (guaranteed proactive healer)

I’d say Cult is closer to the right place in terms of balance than Unseen. Unseen games have absurd factors alongside the legendary no mislynch scum win.

Unseen is overly strong because of their KP (leads to games ending FAR sooner).
They have a better scum leader, and are less susceptible to cheese.
The downside of MM not being replaceable d4 onwards is NOT an issue considering the speed of games.


Because of these factors, Unseen in most cases is just a superior Cult in every category.

Why do we have the 2-1?

Potential fix:
Only replaces to starting Assassin.

Potential fix:
Remove 2f1.

Total reach fix:
Non-consec if kill is successful?


You are fired

2 for 1

Tol accurate I guess, otherwise OP while cult has to kill someone of theirs after the first one to get a consistent kill

It’s more of a rhetorical question as in, it can be removed

I’m throwing the idea out there, despite not exactly thinking it works.

What happens if we remove bleeds and poisons all together and replace them with other abilities