FoL Feedback Thread

What if Sheriff/Prince/Pally just… all weren’t convert immune?


that’s super swingy with Prince

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To be honest, i’m not sure do i like an idea of often backstabbing BD without anyone who is good… Just me but…

Keep prince same, just make sheriff and pally like normal invests (can be multiple, not confirmed, not guaranteed.) The only work this would take is to make Marshall a thing and maybe nerf Pally a bit.

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Also, some non-theory crafting things


General Changes

  • Being occupied will now give the feedback “You were unable to successfully ____”.
  • Having your visit prevented will now give the feedback “You were unable to successfully ____.”

Mirroring a good change that happened in TOL, this should help reduce BD’s confirmability by at least a decent amount and open up new fake claims for certain scum.

Squire and Page

  • No Longer has “Unskilled (Passive).”

Unskilled (Passive) - You are immune to death.

Squire was the only blue dragon who was permanently immune to death. This means certian Neutral Killers can’t win 1v1 vs them. The interaction is unhealthy, and also - people would stall out in squire even when they could take a strong class just because they didn’t want to die. Even without the passive, Squire is a strong class.

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Can you make unskilled a bp?

Or unskilled a passive - ur immune till the first BD dies.

Like such?

It’s unnecessary. Squire is already strong enough and N1 kills are important for NKs and Evil

Maybe the pally and the sheriff (if they get slight reworks) but a convertible prince maybe a little too swingy


Important so they can lose faster by getting rid of ppl to cc?

Yeah what htm said.

Nevermind it was fixed after i respond it. :eyes:

If someone wants to continue trying to make a Mystic rework we can all agree would be a good improvement, feel free
if we can make one that nobody initially has huge problems with i can propose it

Well we have a base model that people agree is on the right track

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I dislike the squire change can we make it immune to death once, like priest?


Yeah priest is 10x better than squire why should priest have a bp vest and not squire?


I agree with Hippo and Sam tbh

Give Squire vest

Remove it from Priest
