FoL Feedback Thread

The town performance there was pretty overwhelmingly meh, but you definitely fueled the late game

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(Oh hey, I can’t read, I missed that it said “nearly Airship Zeppriphon”)

test bump

What are you thinking about the Cult mechanics which were introduced in SFoL 52 (aka Corax Cult)
I always saw FoL Cult as somewhat unbalanced and underpowered
Especially the “Self-Sacrifice”+not shared Eradicates are something really strange
Also I actually like how FoL Cult is able to mimicry the abilities of other classes :eyes:

I wholeheartly agree.


Yes please priestess

I know this is a balance discussion thread

but I have an idea about handling player toxicity

instead of force replacing, game mods can silence the player for a portion of the day, allowing both sides to calm down, so that the silenced player when they come back, is calmed down

Well, game mods can’t silence players.

won’t work

when ur mad and then u get silenced it only makes u more mad



I honestly am trying to think of a way for mods to reduce toxicity in game threads without replacing the player, which can affect the gamestate

I think overly toxic players should not have place in the game at all. Either they are trying to behave better… or well.

That’s a fair concept.
The execution leads to one side being favored over the other and can’t be done without having mods

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when I mean game mods, I mean hosts aswell

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Have we ever had to forcibly replace someone for toxicity?


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Yes. Multiple times.
The question is, if we are strict enough in fighting against this kind of toxicity, and I hardly believe that.

Examples? I don’t remember any

Like Fol 21 even though it resulted in a modkill, and another game that resulted in this talk

there should be immediate warns if that’s not a thing yet