[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

If I want to, I can just grandtrial Ezreal.

You can but we’ve been hasty reactions are important for late game

No bussing is possible in this scenario as the MM and NK are the only scum left and they don’t know who each other are. But yeah, I’m going with an Ez lynch today as he’s the most likely to flip scum from his posts. Unless he’s either the Mystic or Prince, I’ll settle for lynching him.

/vote Ezreal

Accused Votes Count
Alice Bazingaboy 1/7
EzrealOfLaw CuteAlch :crown:, Alice 3/7
I’m excited about doing votecounts while I can do them.

Your posts feel wrong. Like lying while truthtelling.

Why am I being upped?

I THINK NOT SURE. I whisperd CuteAlch my role. Im kinda confirmed I think lol. But don’t up me for no reason please.

And I don’t think we need someon that random wants to kill people.
So Claim to CuteAlch and I will remove this vote.

/vote Alice

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This confuses me a bit.

Same. No idea whats going on

That’s quite literally impossible if I follow. Only a mystic or someone connected by a mystic can do as you ask.

Okay nvm whispers arnt a thing. Im just gonne claim in public because I DONT WANNE DIE!
Im Butler. I wined Alice last night

Btw. I got a Telepathy that I should out that Margaret claims Hunter?

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I mean the first night. Second night I was sleeping.

Margaret cannot be Hunter
I am confirmed hunter and is unique.

Telepathy is messing with you or you’re full of shit

Woah woah. I just tell you what I got messaged.

I mean that prob means Margaret is NK. Should we up her?

Let’s say I buy your claim (I don’t) So then you did not poison the king? And why did you not pipe up with a theory that the butler if it existed didn’t poison the king

Probably a good idea.

I was at comic con D2 and N2…