[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

I’ll say again
Lamist is not a scumtell

Considering Priestess’ skill level, maybe.

I can’t exactly believe that she rolled town here, tbh.


Like before, what kind of game do you think this is. Unseen or Cult?

I rolled prince btw

If you ask me…its way too early for this, but Ill say Cupcake is the mastermind. Convince me of the opposite.

Biased towards Unseen without any explanation. Hmm.

In short, I don’t think Priestess is Cult but if this is an Unseen game then she’s worth a check.

I probably would claim the other faction, as evil, so…

You’d at least have some sort of explanation behind it. Since no reasoning was given then I don’t think this was a deliberate attempt at throwing me off.

Now I wonder what evil faction do you think it is.

Could go either way. The only mention so far of a specific EK was Firekitten.

Though I can potentially see him as an Unseen King claiming Devout King as a means to trick us into believing he’s a FPSing Good King ignorant of the scum faction. Technically I don’t think FK would just throw out the information that it’s a Cult game casually like this, so if this is a Cult game then Firekitten is probably town.

So you promise to never fps I see

Wat that’s not post I replied to

I am going to open claim mercenary

Convince me to contract you and I’ll do

Anyone here

What do you make of Kitten promising not to FPS? Could this be an FPS?

I am physician and I’m healing alice make sure to attack her

Math is a noob so I am not contracting him

Sheesh Sam, shame on your blackmail attempt.

Third time is a charm, I got a Prince and Squire which are from two opposite caste system.

You guys wonder what I rolled this time.

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You rolled court wizard