[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

She can be the convert. I need her answers to see if it is a rabbit hole worth explaining. Obviously if she is MM she is not mystic.

Should Priestess being Ilusionist turned Assassin then Priestess wouldn’t able to link me at all.

Not saying that either. Again I want Priestess’s actions.

Someone has confirmed that they have been linked tho, Priestess was never outted as a Mystic before now so there is a really slim chance of there being a convert on her.

See here. I will not elaborate unless necessary by Priestess’s actions.

Very well, I am also kind of waiting for Priestess to tell as well to prove he is Mystic and not unseen.

As for Isaac, he still haven’t provided the defense.

Mystic, please give me first three words and three last words that I and you said in day ability or say in public if you are the mystic, @anon97870008

That won’t work unless she snooped and received the conversation. Limited uses for that.

It will work, just wait.

He hasn’t provided anything at all which makes me suspicious of him.

Lots of reasons possible. However I want priestess’s actions please.

Which day ability? I didn’t use my day abilities 'til now. I did link two people, faked my own Telepathy since I didn’t see a reason why to use it yet and kinda was too lazy to do it, since Mystic is hyperconfirmable. I linked first Marg, then Frost, and already hinted both earlier.

You 100% no take backsides were linked with mystic yes?

What I meant by that is to prove you’re indeed Mystic and yes Marg is the first to announce a mystic exists.


Just telepath me and ill say yes or no :woman_shrugging:

Much easier

You linked Marg to whom? And Frost to whom? Mystic says another player

no math

thats conduit

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Link Minds (Night) - You and your target will both be able to send each other two 1000 character messages through the host over the course of the night. Cannot target the king. - Infinite uses
Conduit (Night) - Your two targets will both be able to send each other two 1000 character messages through the host over the course of the night. You will later be given the entire conversation. Cannot target the king. - 2 uses

Jesus, Math :persevere:

Link Minds can’t be used else Priestess would have been redirected to Shade.

No Math, no.


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