[FoL] FoL 19.5 - GAME END - The Blue Dragon are Victorious!

It’s not specified in the thread, most people just don’t use it d1 as it’d be a waste.

I mean Hjasik coulda been paranoid of a me Kitten block
Kills me bleeds Kitten unaware Kitten was trying to pocket me.

This effectively boils down to whether you believe FK was truth telling with the bleeding.

If FK tells the truth, then there is likely not a Butler and he died due to the d1 yolobleed.

If FK tells lies, then there is a Butler who poisoned him d2.

Nightshade Wine (Day) - Poison The King, causing him to die tonight if not healed. The king will not be informed if he is poisoned. If the King is Good, you will commit suicide. - 1 use, available starting Day 2

Kitten has to be bled by assassin. Butler only available day two.

Either that or a second hunter hiding out.

Also, called it. @Kirefitten

Hunter is unique, so there can’t be a second Hunter.

So assassin murdered their own king. Brilliant. Means they were panicking.

Who can Kitten read well when town?

Right now I’m mostly thinking about who would convert Met. He’s not a first-timer, but I’d expect the convert to be someone a little more experienced than him.

Bazinga would.

It actually makes sense because Bazinga converts a good low target person then takes out Kitten king and installs Metereo and leaves you if you’re town to take the fall. I’d be dead.

Healer is guaranteed :slight_smile:

Doesn’t mean it’s you

Poison Day 2, King dies Night 2

Makes sense

Then again, why would Butler poison a King who claims that he’ll die that night.

I was thinking that

But thats the underhanded method

Can’t be butler
Butler takes two nights
Had to be d1 only possible class is Apprentice

Butler needs 1 night if I am not 100% wrong.

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Somehow you posted it and somehow you didnt notice

But king was poisoned day one
Butler is day two

The king doesn’t get notified if he gets poisoned or not.
FK claimed to be bleeding, not poisoned.

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