[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Make your bets

Something tells me blue was fool

How did all the kill happen then

They didnt exe obvs

Alright, looks like something will never change.

Here goes:

I happened to be 2nd Maid, that compared Possessed (N1) and Margaret (N2) and they apppeared as compatible. Unless BlueStorm was a fool, Margaret is almost deep cleared.

Due to 2 unexpected deaths (At least in my opinion), i wanted Change Sheets Possessed and Isaac but it seems i won’t have a time for that.

About my reads:

I thought fireslol was NK from D2 until i changed my mind and i’m still have doubts about their aligmnent.
Kai literally just exists and did nothing that would help determine his alignemt and he’s one of top priority targets to investigate.
There is one person i suspect of being Mastermind but it happened to be Sheriff Claim (DatBird) and unless nobody else will claim another Sheriff, i’m in 90% sure this person is Mastermind, we’re looking for.
All other are BD-reads although some of them i will have to reevaluate after N2 as it’s still not sure how did Isaac died, did King even protected them?
Due to N2, he’s either very unhelpful Knight or Fool, which is why i wished Prince beheaded them last night to verify that whenever BlueStorm was a Assassin or not.

As for what we should do in my opinion is ask for classes everybody who didn’t claim to see what kind of situation is BD right now and then act.

As for me, i didn’t nothing scummy so i don’t have any regrets, policy lynching somebody that gives almost zero info and they didn’t nothing particulary suspicious is objectively bad move but BD will regret soon enough.

That is for me, have fun without me, hopefully you will give me some good laughts in afterlife.
/vote myself

@EzrealOfLaw Please do not try to justify your incompentency like there was hardly anybody who suspect you for your claim. The only dead person that accuse me happened to ignored my efforts of my contribution. Let me give you an advice. If you’re planning to play Social Deduction games more often, consider to use your head slightly more often instead of blindly following someone’s read and hope for the best.

@PoisonedSquid My duty is done. Hopefully, you have a really good plan after i die otherwise if Blue happened to be Fool, BD is in grave danger. :confused:

You cannot vote for yourself.

Sheriff is not guaranteed

Wow, then nothing from comitting sudoku.

Are you sure about that?


There would be sheriff/paladin instead of random BD

To be honest, Hjasik has a point. Sheriff doesn’t seem to be guaranteed, but it’s likely to roll

Cool. Then DatBird is quite likely the Mastermind if you ask me. Just remember during Day 4.

By the way, did DatBird claimed who did he scouted D1?

What do you think about geydes point on dat?

I don’t remember, let’s see here:
@DatBird Who the hecc did you scout? Also, gib results, thanks

I can’t quote FoL class card thread for whatever reason but this is true

Can you quote please?

I think