[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Not really anything else to compare to their Neir game maybe other than outing stuff when pressure is on them. Like Fireslol is also like another tk claim when we have tons of those. Like is it possible, yes, is it suspicious yes.

I find him here really different from What he was in nier

Ok but do you think they are scummy?

No but there is chance I am Wrong on that

Their day 1 was indeed scummy but day 2 was good

What do you think about alice townreading baz for confidence in pushing her wich didnt happen in nier?

I dont get it, honestly. The nk Alice push feels similiar to the Hippo push in Neir. Like both had no actual reasons, and just felt like a push for a push. Only difference is Hippo got itaed

I ISOd him there is no push on hippo he just yolo ITAd hippo after becoming consensus scum

alice is townreading for effort in push wich he doesnt have in nier

also why arent you voting any of your scumreads

@anon97870008 appear

I could have sworn he pushed him the day before, maybe I’m just remembering wrong.

Yeah not listening to any logic and just keep saying alice is nk is tons of effort

Honestly idk, just didnt
/vote Fireslol

Let me read the thread first~
I’m almost done with it but I haven’t done my ISOs I want to do yet

Accused Votes Count
Kai_5 Twil1ight 1/7
Twil1ight H_Hjasik :crown:, EzrealOfLaw 3/7
Fireslol Datbird 1/7

pointing out he didnt put any effort in his last scum game

who did you check last night

In fact I visited Isaac

I guess ur right then, I didnt remember this part

why would geyde invest his twonread wat

He was claiming Alch earlier, then Maid, and I was suspicious on him because of that.