[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

Possessed was a huge heal target according to everybody, he was read town by almost everybody, and I’ve seen Physicians random heals before.

But heres the thing

Thats Possessed

This is Ezrael

The point is that Possesed was a huge heal target, yet he’s still dead, meaning no one healed him at all, they just left him alone.

Physicians heal randomly all the time in ToL.

I’m quite sure one’s the NK here. The interaction doesn’t seem like it comes from two members of the same scum faction.

This is FoL.
Random actions is fairly scummy.

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I was planning to guard him but yeah, jailed

Especially after both claimed Killer classes.

How so?

This is FoL

Its not worth healing a low target of a kill when you can self heal or heal a target of actual importance such as the Prince or a town leader

The Physician simply made the decision to do something else

But healing a low target is very rare

Or the Physician might have used circle logic.

Me: I am scumreading alice for this And this
Alice:youre So anti town voting me without explanation

Yeah that doesnt exist here m8

Reverse logic, yes.

Circle logic, no.

You are taking this way into thought, I didn’t even consider that you were an NK. At that time, all I thought was that you were evil, because I thought Hunter was Unique, I didn’t consider NK’s or Unseen, I just knew you were evil, and my job is to literally kill Evil, so I say I’m going to kill you.

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Ez pz yw for game solve

/vote boss

Yes. And its worth it. Because I get to kill NK or 1st Assassin which locks the convert into assassin, which helps BD alot

And there’s a problem with that?

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You’re assuming a lot of things, one is that I read your post about redirection, two is that I took into consideration that at all, which I didn’t, I’m a new player, All I thought that was, “Hunter is Unique, Marg claims Hunter, I should shoot her tonight.”

Assuming is what we have to do to find the truth. Also marg ccd your archer claim not hunter. Idk if that’s a typo orrr :eyes::eyes:

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