[FoL] FoL 20 - Game Over - The Unseen Win!

i don’t play roblox unless hjas wants me to



I play fortnite in roblox

nice to know

Roblox pro?

degenerates, all of you

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im the most degenerate here

Why does shitposting day last so long I’m trying to do fun stuff here :disappointed_relieved:

why does the first day last so long

And you can’t vote so it’s basically just sitting around shitposting.

do we get everyone’s claims to the king? Whats the meta, upping people for claims and logs?

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i guess theres no pm’s so giving claims to king doesn’t matter lol

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True Queen, Medb


All women are QUEENS


WQM boys and girls

States with a monarchy dont seem to believe that :eyes:

But uhm

Day 1 tends to be a meme day for confirmations and such. Terrible reaction tests, spam, and overall trolls tend to appear the most this day. It also serves as a way to ensure that the rest of the game doesn’t get contaminated.


From past experience, shitposting Day 1 usually lasts 12 hours. This one seems to last 24 though. shrugs

Dunno if it’s a recent change, or just mod preference or whatever.

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Oh well, ill make the best of it then by professing my love for Aubrey Plaza.

quickly looks that one up

Okay we good here

Am I reading scummy enough?