[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)

Ok I like your answers. :blush:


I bet waz is wolf what do you think

Alice needs to answer my question first.

Why do you think he left thread after that

That’s not his usual post style if we are getting into meta reads, but I don’t like quick read wolving ppl…especially on a meta read. Hung jury on Wazza for now.

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It’s D1 so dunno?

Nah fam, I have a pretty decent class for once.

Because no one was talking…

…also my dog was sick…


my dog or me?


oh so my dog is locktown?

@Geyde @Meteoro @Blizer @Margaret @DatBird @bazingaboy @Htm @Soulshade55r @EzrealOfLaw
This exists

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Lock Neut

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Existence is a fallacy

were all dead in reality


I’m awake buy kinda drunk lol

Anyone alive?


Noob claim here.