[FoL] FoL 21 - Day 5 - The Realm of The Fallen King - BD and Mercenary win! (6/16)


It’s evening

It’s high noon

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I saw geyde


This game exists btw

Ok question to everybody here:

Favorite type of ice cream. Go!

Uh, chocolate?


Well why the confusion? Chocolate is a very basic flavor. A lot of different types of people tend to enjoy chocolate.

Was the ‘uh’ because you didn’t want to answer a dumb question?

See this. This is confidence. “I know what I like” type of answer. It may be what everyone else likes, but Hja says it proudly.

Nah, it’s because I am not really into dessert and chocolate is the first flavour to come to my mind. You are right about confusion part though because I can’t see how you will get any information from that, but we will see

What dessert are you more into? Brownies?

Not any in particular

What kind of heathen are you?!

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Well, I enjoyed drinking tea so does that count?

Unless you’re diabetic in which case I apologize.

Tea as dessert? Hmmm.

Alice, poss and boss town change my mind

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I know right