[FoL] FoL 21 - End Game Discussion Topic

Especially it’s effective if you have a framer on your team

And all you need to do is

Shurian the (fakeclaim role)
N1) Action

And then ppl will be 100% confused
I would have tried to wrestle control over the priest in dead chat by claiming I was defiled by tailor lol

Make Good King flip as Butler wait…

Which is a good reason why you should write town logs as wolf ^^


This was an absolute mistake

Aye. It’s something not often done - I try to do it but there are occasions when I don’t happen to do so.

This was eons ago when people decided to mass claim
So I claimed to force more claims

To our defense, Wazza got jailed for a read on his lack of town meta D1 and I basically had to bus him quickly before I looked like a wagon. Not sure if people were just reading my posts and choosing to ignore Blizers progression, but somehow I came out the loser in that 1v1 which was meant to have me win it. Was going to convert Blizer and continue the push but people were too gung-ho on me D1 without truly reading anything Blizer wrote to counter me.

I don’t think my progression on him was that bad; I saw a fake slip and pushed it in an.attempt to take TL. It seems like this forum only allows certain people to take that approach and others can’t, so if I decide to play again you won’t ever see me pushing as town OR wolf. Nobody listens.

Blizer slips saying Wazza is assassin, yet we don’t know what kind of game it is yet: PFFT ignore it, lets get the guy who pushed that claim.

I slip by not putting a day action that is already known since it was the second post of that day and Math pushes it: YES LYNCH THIS NK

OK? So only the Maths of this site can catch slips and push it…got it.

Im honestly a little surprised people did not push me on this

But my thought process was assassin when i saw the knight claim, due to it being a common fake claim for them.

Which is why the meta thing is shit as you all need to learn how to incorporate your village meta to your wolf meta, otherwise you all become extremely easy to read. Also I’ll point out why your case on Blizer was bad.

Your opening d2 was terrible and it outed you as a wolf. Read Alice’s post for why as that’s why you were lynched.

Hjasik claimed Sheriff d1. That wasn’t a slip.

I wasn’t even in that game and Hjasik basically confirmed it to be an Unseen game d1.


He didnt even know it was unseen, cause he was a Merc

He took a gamble FPSing sheriff there.

They’d rather push me and completely ignore it. I don’t even mind that everyone challenged me, but for crying out loud…can you read other people posts instead of just ignoring someone’s argument completely?

Why did I even bother pushing? I was better off pulling a Ezrael and just never posting. THIS is why the quality of games will start to deplete; Wolves will stop trying.

Hja said ‘who to scout’. I know Hja, EVERYONE knows Hja…Hja fakeclaims habitually. Blizer even admitted Hja can never be taken seriously.

Lo and behold…Hja was Merc. Not sure if she knew my class, but still.

Her behaviour day 2 was decently towny

so, her claim looked somewhat believeable (Which is why i also was pushing Blue over Hjasik in that thunderdome)

That’s not true, you simply have to exude the confidence to do so. You don’t become better by just being content at standing in place.

What I usually do is ping and address individual people and if they don’t agree with me or my push I tunnel them into it. Don’t address everybody as a group and be like here is my read, good luck. Really press it into everyone, that is how the day is going to be, they are the push and everything else needs to make way. Your opinion is the one that should count and is prevalent. What works for me, doesn’t work for everybody, but giving up after one failed powerwolf is not the way to go man. :wink: You’re new, bask in the experience and you’ll become better as time goes on.

If you want a reference for how bad I was at first, my first scum game was Grande Idea here. I made it to final 6 or so, but just by lurking.

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Yeah Hja was in town meta. That’s not the issue; my issue was that Hja wasn’t taken seriously until AFTER you slipped Wazza assassin. At that point, you HAVE to at least question your slip…yet only I did it and when I did, everyone jumped on me for it.

The reason people jumped on you was because of your scummy intro post, and how your entire behaviour and tone throughtout d2 was shit.

Sometimes if a slip isn’t “slippy” enough, it can be seen as opportunistic scum taking advantage of it. It’s a fine line to walk.


Never forget Dreaming god

and also how people thought i was doing an 150 iq play by claiming Scorned, which i actually was

and i tried to lynch Liv

it was a sad game for me, as i got Eevee off the hook for a day, while making myself look super towny

Arguably one of the best games ive had here.

That’s not constructive criticism that people can use to improve