[FoL] FoL 21 - End Game Discussion Topic


Youā€™re not sacrificing your town play in that case if something you Usually do is considered Wolfy but you do it as both aligments And you can refer to it/others know about it itā€™s not sacrificing your town play

Hey Thamasa can you link that article on MU, I think itā€™s mantichoraā€™s guide to opwnwolfing?

I thought it was going to be an article on lolcatting but it actually was a real solid piece with some simple advice for up and coming scum

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Going completely afk as scum (or as any class) is considered as gamethrowing, so yes, this is a point to consider.


Itā€™s ā€™s guide to openwolfing/wolving anyway

I use motivation video


Again, people wonā€™t take your defense seriously if you invoke self-meta. Do you know why?

Because as a player you are aware of your own meta and can change it at will, ergo as a wolf you can switch into your village meta with enough practice.

A relatively well-known example in MU happened recently where a played known as Creature with a very contrasting V/W meta managed to win a mountainous match via deepwolfing by playing to his V meta as a wolf. This is why nobody outside of this site takes meta as the gospel.


So if youā€™re afraid to rely on meta you just Use it as way to point out NAI things for Person

You donā€™t rely on meta yes
You use it to point out things which are NAI
Itā€™s an okay indicator of whether someone is leaning villa or wolf. Use someoneā€™s meta in conjunction with other things that are wolfy about someone to make a solid case

Thats What I just said

That may have been your intent. Thatā€™s not how it came off.

I mean it was answer to saying that common wolf tells should be followed regardless of meta And I answered that you dont have to decide someones aligment based on meta but point it out as nai for someone

The classic example that most newbies here have fallen to at least once is the red check RT.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen anyone fall for the fake red check twice so itā€™s pretty clear if someone has been fooled by it in past theyā€™re going to have a somewhat NAI response to it from then on
Thereā€™ll be subtleties in their answer as town/scum sure but definitely not AHA GOTTEM material

claiming wolf is fine as a joke on paper, but it only really works if you claim a wolf class that physically canā€™t be in the game to make it clear itā€™s not intended to be taken seriously

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the thing is that there are so many jokes that are funnier because they arenā€™t as obvious, and mafia isnā€™t about making jokes in the first place


Wolves would know that the check can be real so they may go immediately for a framer excuse if realistically possible or will try to shift the wagon to their accuser as a last-ditch attempt to at least take their accuser down with them.

Villagers would know that the check is fake so they will immediately assume that the player is bullshitting and ignore the check.

Thereā€™s a huge difference on how wolves and villagers respond to fake red checks.

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People do this all the time as classes that can physically exist here.

At this point I an confused if you are disagreeing with me or agreeing

I tend to worry about framers as town and go into immediately sort the claimant and see if they are FPSing or if this is proof of framer or they are scum

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Use all tools you have at your disposal to make a judgement on someoneā€™s alignment :^)