[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

So if EndOfTheWorld flips Assassin or Mastermind…

Spews Baz as not Unseen.

Spews Launchpad and Possessed as likely not Unseen, especially if End flips MM over Assassin.

Do we want to jail exe End immediately if they are the Mastermind? From what I’ve seen in previous games the meta has been to wait to execute until doing so prevents them from getting a new MM. If we don’t have a butler it might be a good idea to jail anyway, to prevent conversion.

This might change if they’re the Assassin.

He could be completely bluffing on the knowledge part, but either way a prince execution will go against EotWs wincon. I think its a pretty safe execution, though i do believe EotW will flip neutral.

Which neutral do you read them as?

Yeah, I think we can blitz this match if we kill a converter n1.

Btw I am 100% Psycho King and will kill the current king because they are not the true king

It’s pretty much whether should we execute him for policy or should we spend our time looking for other scum

Oh boy.

Executing the MM will make the last living Unseen if not Assassin in that order becomes the new MM which can be done only once.

It’s only 1 out of 16 that End will flip as MM.

The latter.

Could be a few. Sellsword pegs me immediately, though Merc is a possibility. Maybe he knows someones class because they are a protection target?

It’s a lot higher, because we know End isn’t BD.

Bingo. EotW is a merc and MM/assassin/Sheriff is likely a protection target.

How would I know my targets role is it told i dont think so

Umm, he said with strong confidence that this is an Unseen game. He actually has a higher chance of flipping MM or Assassin than average.

Look at this way, he either flip as MM or he don’t.

I was once MM and i was a protection target of a Merc. They claimed sheriff. How would merc know to claim sheriff?

And if End really is MM, then I would rather jail him for three days and lynch the the day after.


That was Hjasik.

They random guessed and if they claimed Sheriff in a Cult game then nobody would take too much notice it because it’s Hjasik.

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Oooo thats delightfully evil.

Slow suffering no?

If it isn’t MM, the early execution would be better, if it is MM, jailing him for 3 days would be better, is it worth keeping him jailed for 3 days because that would effectively lose 3 days just in case if it’s MM