[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

What happened I am unvovertable thats why hehe

…are you seriously claiming Fool?

Is there anything else it could look like?

Yeah cause you’re an EVIL CLASS dude. I feel so bad for you man because it’s your first game, but like youre probably going to die tonight :frowning:

Frankly, I’d just jail them. Them being so confident that it’s an Unseen game makes me believe that this is either a MM or an Assassin claiming Fool to escape a lynch.

No I was checking that role it seems interesting hmm I am alch

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Oh my god.


Which is alchemist haha

Part of me just thinks this is the wokest MM in the world

Don’t think I will read you as town any time soon, World.

An Alchemist that is confident this is an Unseen game… right.

Not townreading an alchemist claim which is not BD. Very advanced read demonstrated by frostwolf here

Just because Alchemist is different now doesn’t mean it won’t trigger PTSD

Please do not frame me lady Im not sure if this is an unseen game I just got used to say it

The funny thing is i was reading EndOfTheWorld’s interactions and they screamed expendable neutral to me even before he outted he was a neut.

I propose that the Prince should jail and execute End as soon as possible.

There are only three classes that have innate knowledge that this is an Unseen game. The Sheriff, the Mastermind, and the Assassin.

For End to claim Alchemist while being this confident that this is an Unseen game contradicts the above and makes me believe that odds are that he is one of the latter two who are fakeclaiming.

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In short, yeah. This isn’t End guessing as it has the feel that he knows this is an Unseen game.

Current readlist based on Isoing everyone’s posts, ranked from most towny to least towny:

Town Reads

-Alice: Town. The only thing that gives me pause is that Alice usually acts town, but her posts seen very towny.
-Frostwolf: Lean town. He didn’t even as a joke want to skip the day (skipping the day being obviously bad for town), and he softed being a class with a day ability when most classes that have a day ability they’d want to use day 1 are BD.
-Kape: Lean town but I’m not sure. He’s been acting solvy, though he hasn’t been contributing much in the way of his own reads.
-Possessed: Lean town, I think? They seem to be acting pretty gamesolvey based on their posts.
-Priestess: Lean town, unless Bazinga turns out to actually be the prince. She defended Kape and Mince’s buddying, which suggests to me that she’s not evil, because I don’t think she’d be defending them without reasoning if she were evil (since at most one of them are evil). She also wanted to lynch Bazinga tomorrow, though maybe she’s evil and believes Bazinga to really truly be prince.

-Gikkle: Null. Is posting with the intent to be productive, but mostly they’re just asking other people about their reads rather than providing any of their own.
-Mincinmind: Null. I can’t get anything off of their posts, even though they do exist.
-HTM: Null. Literally hasn’t posted anything. This is going to get scummier as the day goes on but right now I’m basically assuming HTM is AFK/asleep/etc.
-Wazza: Null. No posts yet at all.
-Jake: Null. No posts yet.
-Kai: Null. Basically hasn’t posted except to say they’re on mobile. I’m not going to say not posting is scummy when the game’s been live for two hours.
-Andrej: Null. Hasn’t posted anything except a brief greeting.

-Launchpad: Lean scum. Their posts look like someone who wants to look contribut-y but don’t really seem to be solving the game, also defended Baz earlier.
-Bazinga: Lean scum, for reasons I’ve already explained. I think they’re now wagoning on EotW because EotW is so obviously scummy.
-EndOfTheWorld: Super scummy, more scummy if it’s an Unseen game. Claimed non-prince unconvertable, then when asked about it claimed Fool. I don’t think a real Fool would claim fool, and they’re really new, so I think it’s likely that they made a mistake. Also assumed it was an Unseen game with no information. In my opinion they’re Unseen if it’s an Unseen game and some form of scummy neut (maybe actual fool but I doubt it???) if Cult game. I could be wrong about all of this, of course, and I sort of doubt someone would be that obvious, but I can’t read these posts as BD.

? What

Lynch alice when I flip neutral there I said it