[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!


Hang on, can Hunter bleed D2 in FoL?

think so

No, I think this confirms to be Demon game? They can bleed after all.

wait since when could Demon bleed lol

Current plan is to let Kai CS EotW to prove themself, then lynch one of the two if EotW isn’t dead.

I just checked, Kai.

…crashing this plane with no survivors?

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I don’t think a hunter is suppose to stay silent.

Alch is 1shot BP

@Ami He’s probably lying unless a hunter claims he bled over unconfirmed Knight claim.

Yeah, but it would at least confirm them as not Fool.

We also have at least one princess in game who could typecheck them, depending on whether we want to spend a check on them or not.

I’d rather use checks for something useful plus I can somewhat confirm them

(Since Fool is only DI to attacks from non-BD attackers.)

yea my slot resolves itself so bleeding me is kinda dumb

Hunters would stay silent as when they bleed they are sitting ducks the following night

Yeah you’re probably right, then again by the time they can use night action, Kai dies.

From your playstyle I’m fairly certain I know who you are.

You were also in that Ducktales Mash and you visited me n1, right?


Oh btw, with 2 deaths n1, it’s almost 100% Unseen game, right?
Or is there some NK that can double kill n1?

Yeah probably just normal kills