[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Probably won’t pd tonight

Yeah because they want to jail you, I don’t get it. I actually trust you a lot at this point

Also if Dat wasn’t clearly enough scum… this post proves it.

Who do you trust the least?

Lymph and Dat

I think everyone is so focused on Derp’s D1 that we’ve totally failed to update based on, for instance, the fact that they definitely didn’t cultslip.


I trusted Htm the most out of everyone up until today because I knew he couldn’t be converted. Now I am starting to think he’s NK and I made a mistake

HTM’s slot is at least somewhat self-resolving because HTM is supposed to kill Day.


Alice is going to faction check me… correct?

I will come up as BD and these NK theories will be debunked. So you pretty much should not worry about me being NK.

Alright. Who do you think the NK is though?

Arete with the anti meta :eyes:

I should stop tunneling, but I’m almost 95% certain that Lymph is MM and that Dat is Assa.

I don’t really know tbh

I haven’t really been focusing on NK yet and more focusing onto unseen and the whole Dat/Derps/Ozz stuff.

I guess I should probably ISO some people and figure it out

Also which NK in their right minds would do something like this?

Reverse physiology

HTM is supposed to kill Day and HatBird. And yall want me gone and not this serial killer

Oh it’s because we found out that Hatbird and Day are giving supplies to the unseen

This is why they must die

those traitors, dont they know its a cult game

Searching the topic history, we’re currently at 7 votes on Lymphoma (Kape x2, Possessed, Sir, Tele, and Me). so L -2. Alice and Ozz were on Lymph, but Alice unvoted and Ozz changed his vote to Alice.

King votes count double.