[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

But I’m Warlock, right?

This guy is saying I debbed a BD into another BD and the BD killed him. That’s not how guard works.

(Why are all my quotes getting removed?)

Defend (Night) - You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s). - Infinite uses

Yeeeeeeeee, about that.

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I’m pretty sure that’s not how that works. And if it did, where are Dats kills? Then you’re implying he killed nobody and all the kills were from my redirects and the real Prince.

Kape is EK, I’m leaning Maxwell/Geyde MM, Dat is assassin, and Tele is Sage. You’re all welcome.

This wouldn’t be the first time you’re wrong in this game.
I’m GK, Tele is Fealtied, you are Warlock pushing for obvious mislynch.

You’re arguments for possibilities are absolutely bogus and you’d be 100% wrong to believe im Warlock. I kinda wish wed hang Tele so I can deb Dat to this King and get this over quicker.

And get me killed cuz you used Carnage, right?

Jail-exe the MM and wed have this over by tomorrow. :smiley:

Prince should either jail confirmed Unseen or Possessed to block him from debbing Max to himself so he bleeds out tonight.

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What have dead said thus far??

“Literally nothing of value” ~ Jake, paraphrased.

lackadaisical, if i may say so

Here’s another question to you: If you’re so convinced that I’m Warlock, what makes you think I’m actually bleeding? If I lied about being Drunk, I could have lied about more things. You’re gameplan is literally anti-town.

Why wouldn’t you lie about bleed. Literally free town credit so you can “run this show” or at least attempt to like you are now.

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And I take it that Maxwell agrees to this plan. If he does, he’s literally giving away his role in all this.

No, I don’t
It’s an awful plan
One part in particular, that is

The drunk did say something about confirming a debauch on someone

But you want me to be jailed so I don’t get healed. Why? We should be jailing unseen. Do you believe me to be unseen?

Nobody claimed debbed tho.