[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

There is also NK And neut

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@Lymphoma you gonna speak or just like my messages?

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I know that. I’ve rolled scum with newbie scum before.

My point is whoever would be his partner would have to know “Hey! If they ask you what type of game, say you don’t know for sure ok?” because that’s a question that always gets asked D1.

so did ur newbie scum partner say that to you?

We didn’t speak at all lmao. It was also FM so the question of what type of game it was didn’t come up.

In my first game of FoL scum, my partner was a Vet and yes…the first thing he said was don’t let on the type of game it was.

So lets say SirDerps is in a similiar situation, neither him or his scum buddy are communicating. Like maybe he wasnt prompted to not speak of their allignment. Like not every scum team is coordinated, not every scum team has a plan to know what they do. Some are just thrown in mama bird styled and see if they fly. Its not ideal, but it happens. I know thats how my first three were. It sucks, I want to see more but imo its either a uncoordinated team or just VI

If its an uncoordinated team, its a scum team at my level or below; my high level scum-partners were very organized and we were constantly communicating.

Meaning: Not a single Veteran would be groupscum.

Going with that train of thought, what are the odds of Frost being afk groupscum?
I would assume he’s good enough to coach his buddy, but due to slanking he was unable to give any tips.

More likely than we think. Its not a strategy I’ve seen Frost do, but he could be trying out new things.

Potentially, yeah.

Rn I’m more partial to tracking and bounty’ing derp than anything, though.

His slot needs to be resolved and now that he asked for investigatives on him then we’re at the risks of him being a MM or a Cultist that has a Ritualist with them.

In the event he is, he could have just briefly mentioned not to disclose the type of game and then got bogged down IRL and couldn’t post. Shows enough coordination to hit the important scum parts but not enough to warn a player when he’s slipping.

Agreed. A bounty wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Frost and Hja jump out to me as better invest targets. Put Sog in that potential category too.

I will speak

Veto on Hja. They’re the kind of player that make themselves obvious as the game goes on.

Frost is more of a wildcard, so he wouldn’t be a bad check.

Booty booty yea

I know you say that, but Hja can’t keep that same meta forever.

It’s less of a meta read but more how they don’t know how to make convincing pushes as scum.

In case I happen to not be online at the point when we start pushing them tomorrow, can we all agree not to, for instance, quickhammer them 8 hours into the day with no discussion? Because that was a really bad move last time and I’d like to be sure it doesn’t happen again.

Other reads as a result of thread motion during the day to come.