[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

On one hand it is
on the other hand, it eliminates any chance the other unseen have to finalize a fake claim that night.

Hjasik talking about self-meta a decent amount during d1 comes from a town them more than a scum them, but I wouldn’t count them being scum out by this point.
So yeah, I think it has to be exactly Eevee’s slot imo.

  1. I think this is the most likely explanation.
  2. Doubt it. A Scorned would have just rushed to Derp due to how D1 went.
  3. Again, doubt it. See 2 as any Scorned would just mark Derp and call it a day.
  4. Maybe.
    4a. Highly unlikely. Why convert a player in the PoE?
  5. Extremely unlikely as this would be suicide for the NK to do.
  6. Eh, maybe.

Assassin isn’t valuable.
MM replaces before D4 in this setup, so actually getting convert as the new MM is often preferable as they might have some mechanics to work with.

Converts are expendable. While staying hidden is optimal, the later the day goes…the less likely the play can work.


convert assassin can become MM?

Assassin also replaces MM, no?

Yes, but they aren’t nearly as valuable as they get fucked over by PoE much harder.

In FoL yes


Why has MM needed to be buffed in FoL?

I guess maybe the nature of forum mafia makes everything harder for scum than ToL

Because Solic didn’t let me take the wheel while balancing.

Hjasik is all about self-meta, though. This really isn’t AI for them.

What is self-meta, again?

They don’t do it as scum nearly as often.
Point out a game where they did is as scum and then I’ll actually consider it.

RRM they didn’t do it to my knowledge

Using meta to clear yourself

That’s stupid

Were they ever suspected there?