[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Did you redirect Dat to anyone?

Just checked and Fool doesn’t seem to have the mass-redirection anymore.

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Why do you say this, Alice?

Nope I HHed him.

Thinking it was a fool, would explain why two killers are dead

whats that do, wanna know how it interacted with my ability

The Demon was jailed and executed by the real Prince since the Prince is the only way to kill a night immune player. So where do the 2 kills come from? And why is Dat not dead?

You should have been occupied. Either you’re lying, or somehow my HH didn’t go through.

Impossible. He obviously killed last night.

simple logic. One sword wasnt enoguh

unless they have enforcer

Then I guess he’s not our assassin :confused:

I sincerely doubt it. one knight is dead.

Wait. Can my visit be prevented?

What? He was red checked night 1.
Are you seriously suggesting he’s sellsword in a game where demon just died?

yeah why not


We probably have a WL/SS, tbh. I think the Prince should handle Dat tonight.

Demon is the NK.

this is why chain jailing dat would have been better, so this fiasco wouldn’t have just occurred.