[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

:ghost: oh no. Well GhostBird is here, and he aint leaving :ghost:

I think this is it. Faking Prince is one of the worst moves you can honestly make though.

I think Lymph was a Fool.


Would explain why both Arete and HTM died as they may have been redirected to themselves.

How so?

Interesting night…
My gut tells me Real Prince exed the fake claim.
I’m sad to see Htm and Arete go. I was slightly suspect of Arete, so this kind of baffles me more.

Check from last night?

I’m scumreading Alice really hard right now.


I also would like to hear about this fool theory from Alice.

Reminder I checked Eevee and they came up scum,
and for tonight I checked our holyman and he was fine, just talking to some corpses

You know you’re a liar, DatBird.

what me a liar? This accusation is out of left field

Like, the Demon clearly got executed by the real Prince. So how did both HTM and Arete die?

perhaps possessed is not really drunk

Basically, HTM was redirected to himself, which is why he is dead and Dat is alive.

Yeah, not sure why Arete died, though.

Could also be 2 for 1?

what was the nightplan action for him, was he also supposed to cs me, lol. Good job Lymph

still doesn’t explain how dat is alive . . .
even if 2 for 1, a hh still would have redirected one of the kills to himself