[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

According to Derp, I was warped. I have two nights of actions. You telling Maxwell not to heal me means I am likely to bleed out today. Do you believe Derps?

How can I lie about mechanical information when I am incredibly unfamiliar with it? I am just trying to solve the game the best way I know how. Unlike you, who is stuck on me being Sage when:

  1. I was SF’d by Kape
  2. Even if I was Sage, I couldn’t have WoF’d my own Assassin, and if you really wanted to know the truth you could literally ask Priestess yourself
  3. You couldn’t have been prevented from HHing Dat, and it doesn’t make sense for Dat to have 2f1’d there… someone else caused the second death.

Im not warping you tonight so youll bleed out

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(: I’ll make sure of that

You can’t get delayed the night after you were bled. So I believe that he warped you, but you weren’t delayed.

The widely acclaimed EK. Sure.

I’m done with this argument. Its been confirmed in a previous game that you can do that; Priestess was even the assassin who had Fireslol, her Sage, use WoF on her. If someone not in PoE wants to confirm like @Alice I’d be ok with that, but I’m not hearing it from you and neither should anybody.

You say its impossible for Dat to have 2 for 1ed, but he knew he’d be fine because…here’s the big kicker…HE HAS A FUCKING SAGE BLOCKING HIM. Give up, honestly.

Incorrect. This isn’t ToL; I’m delayed for 2 nights because of him if we’re to believe him. If I die tonight, he’s fake.

Ok, you’ve been throwing me being EK for a while now, but why? Because I think you’re evil for not doing the night action that we wanted to?

Why is this so damn confusing :angry:

/unvote @anon97870008 @Wazza

For claiming you SFed Tele when its clear he’s converted.

Tele literally cannot be Sage tho.

Me tonight

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This is FoL Chrono; if you’re legit, you saved me for 2 nights already. If your not legit, ill die tomorrow and you get upped. Win-win for us.

Again, according to you.

I’m not letting you exe a BD just to confirm my Fealty.

Don’t worry, I’m looking for his MM…not him. We can deal with you and him later.

Pretty Please

Can’t wait for the next BD to be called Evil for absolutely no reason.

KAPE ur evil.


Dang, that’s a lot of dirt on me. How will I defend myself from that.