[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

If you can’t understand why he’s evil, I implore you to read all his BS accusations.

But why do that? Easier to push and accuse the Drunk because it goes to your wincon.

Poss is evil, we need to kill him. You can not WoF your own assassin

Ok, whose got money Derp is the MM?

Well go clean urself off then, I dont want you to bring the dirt into the house

Derp literally on sheep patrol.

Well unfortunately, someone killed my Maid, by stabbing them with a trident…

Hey I had nothing to do with that one, yall are just crazy

What you guys who are accusing me don’t understand is if I’m Warlock, I can literally control the game at night. I could have BEEN controlling this game for scum, but its really not.

And if I’m Warlock, you wouldn’t want me to stay alive tonight and tomorrow.

could of would of should of. You really should of

Maybe if I roll Warlock next time I will.

or u can just be a honorary member of the team, dont worry we have cookies

Chocolate chip?

Your team has macadamia nut cookies. Pass.

That, oatmeal, peanutbutter, double chocalate chunk, raisin if ur into that. The NK is a great cook, should stop by some time

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Tempting, really tempting.

a 35% chance of tempting

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65% chance unfortunately.

First time King and everyone calls me evil.
Maybe if they repeat it enough times it will come true.

Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil

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