[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!


we have a renekton that can instantly pop shields

and Kat with a 60% heal reduction on her ult.

and Sylas. (hes Fun as fuck, but super frustrating to play agansit)

Ok so other than not overextending THIS much, how can I improve?

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Well, imma head out now and finish making my new rune caster for a pathfinder session tonight.
Thank you to everyone, especially Priestess and Waz, who were simply wonderful hosts, and DatBird, who was a remarkably fantabulous scum partner the whole way through.


:eyes: That was a hell of an EK play.

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As EK not much you played extremely optimally. You had me convinced til Day 3 u were GK. Biggest thing I would say is be careful of no converts when making your future plays, but we had just the perfect number so it worked out in the end

Take control of the discussion and organize your own mislynches. See how I played in NFoL2 and SFoL47 where rather than wait for BD to mislynch themselves to oblivion I was the one pushing my own mislynches. Here hadn’t we mislynched d2 then we’d probably have a good chance of winning due to 2 failed converts.

It really depends if you want to deepwolf or powerwolf. As EK I generally prefer to powerwolf and strongarm mislynches rather than wait for town to kill themselves off, especially as EKs can’t kill or convert.

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This is my 2nd fol game…


you do powerwolf alot when you are EK or Scum king

something i noticed while going through Abyss.

Ok and theres no problems with that, but becareful of what you say, you said you checked the Prince and then also voted them, that implies things. Like everything can be misinterpretted wrong so write in a way so no one ever reads it wrong

I just don’t see a point to deepwolf as an EK.

You can’t convert nor kill, so you’re useless to the main faction in the grand scheme of things.

Does anyone have any advice for me on how to improve? I feel like a lot of my reads that game were not the greatest, for sure, and those definitely aren’t the only mistakes I made.
Imagine convincing yourself in dead chat that the outed Prince is actually the Mastermind


you also fell for my trap and failed to jail dat.
Had you done so, you had a pretty good chance at winning.

Most people here had a lot of misreads, including the veterans. I blame the evils for playing so well :stuck_out_tongue:


Wanted to play the Wall of Fire angle. Could have worked too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!

I hard read Tele as still CW.

I mean, I specifically didn’t CS Dat, and my logs reflected that.

Eh, DatBird and Maxwell played extremely well this match. As Priestess said this was a case of Unseen playing very well instead of BD playing badly.

But Htm shot Datbird.
Kape saved him.

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Honestly the only correct scumread I had (not including Dat) was Maxwell and for most of the game I thought he was the convert so
