[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

as i pointed out earlier, i was able to convince you all that chain occupying Dat was optimal (when it wasn’t), and then was able to convince you day 3 that it was I who demanded Dat be chain jailed instead (when it wasn’t), and it was really dumb to have taken the chain occupy route. That was really, really bad.

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dont massclaim especially as TKs, thats why I went for you and HTM. Otherwise u played great

Yeah, I actually wanted to sort out Eevee’s slot first and I trusted Poss too easily based on the bleed.

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I was trying to take control of the thread, but at that point you were so deep into leading the court it was impossible.
Nobody wanted to quicklynch, everyone was waiting for plans, d2 was extremely harsh for evils FMPoV.

Luckily we turned it around because you were absurdly, unthinkably clutch, both N2 and D3.


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i appreciate the tears of joy

Flawless unseen victory, I just realized

by deaths that is.

I like how @Arete had me locked as EK since early D2. Thought I was more subtle at that, but it could be seen both ways. Definitely some great reading there.

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Arete has adapted to the curve here insanely fast. I’m impressed.

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I’m pretty sure that was the only read on a non-BD that I didn’t manage to mess up.

You were obvious EK though.

And yet my basement buddies were reading me as GK. /shrug

Your basement buddies only know you from FoL, and thus were reading you in reference to your previous FoL games and discarding a lot of the evidence on the grounds that you were the king and that might be affecting things. Reading you is easier for me since I’ve played ToL with you.


Waz broke now confirmed?

Thank you @anon97870008 and @Wazza for the fun game, you guys did well. And the flavor text was great




Why is everything in this thread so god damn likable?


Neither, I would have said I failed to investigate my target.