[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

As the day woke up, you all looked around noticing the bodies that were found, and they were asleep and sound.

”You’re probably right about there being a Traitor. There’s 3 of them dead now, there’s only 10 left.”
Priestess said, as Wazza patted her on the back and walked over to the bodies.
”Poor people. Didn’t even see it coming. Victim 1, htm, an Archer for the court. Victim 2, Arete, the one up in the stars and the final victim is eevee, Wait- THEY WERE A TRAITOR! YESSSS!”
WazzaAzza is happy.

Htm has died! They were:

The Archer

Blue Dragon Killer
Multi-shot (Day) - If you fire an arrow at one of your marks tonight, remove all marks and attack any other player whose mark was removed. You are immune to redirection this night. - 2 uses
Eagle Shot (Night) - Fire an arrow to kill your target. This ability is disabled if you kill a member of BD with it. - Infinite uses
Bulls-eye (Night) - Place a mark on target player. A marked player is no longer passively death immune. You may have up to three marks. Targeting a marked player with this ability will remove the mark. Targeting yourself will remove all marks. Marks disappear on death or class change. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found following logs on them:

Logs -
N1 - Nothing

Arete has died! They were:

The Knight

Blue Dragon Killer
Armored (Passive) - Your first successful use of Defend will not kill you.
Defend (Night) - You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s). - Infinite uses
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will also take your own life. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

We found the following logs on them:

Eevee has died! They were:

The Demon (Unofficial Class) :shield: :fire:

Neutral Killer
Cloak Of Mithras (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing. In addition you are immune to bleeding and will be informed upon being bled.
Brand of Sacrifice (Day) - Bleed target player. - 1 use
Haemophilia (Day) - Increases the power of Funeral Pyre tonight. - 3 uses, 1 day cooldown
Funeral Pyre (Night) - Set your target ablaze, killing them. If Haemophilia is used, the target is immune to visits from others except you, and anyone who attempts to visit them is also killed by the flames. In addition, Funeral Pyre will bypass death immunity on the initial target and not count as a visit. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

We found no logs on them.

Day 3 has began and will end in 72 hours.

well yeah, not dead yall

so hows it going gamers

didnt make the scum reads but…

made the town reads

Is Eevee a fake flip? Yikes.

My heal attempt on eevee failed.
His flip was either faked, or he was jailed and executed by the real prince.

Unless real prince killed Eevee.

Is Ozz a fakeflip, is HTM a fakeflip, is Arete a fakeslip, is Datbird actually alive

Prob not kappa

:ghost: oh no. Well GhostBird is here, and he aint leaving :ghost:

I think this is it. Faking Prince is one of the worst moves you can honestly make though.

I think Lymph was a Fool.


Would explain why both Arete and HTM died as they may have been redirected to themselves.

How so?

Interesting night…
My gut tells me Real Prince exed the fake claim.
I’m sad to see Htm and Arete go. I was slightly suspect of Arete, so this kind of baffles me more.

Check from last night?