[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

I believe this game is guaranteed to roll and start right away if it fills today or tomorrow as forum leadership is seeking to run something to hold the community over due to the delay of Alice’s Danganropa game.

If this game does not fill before Alice’s Danganropa game begins, it may or may not be delayed. Idk; that is up to Geyde.

Stop me pls



Also, if you guys want to fix the Unofficial thing, just put a shiny badge on the official classes.

Any emotes for that tho?



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One more thing: A clarification on the no editing rule: I failed to understand this rule for a long time and was modkilled for it recently in Mafia Academy. The nature of this rule is as follows: Editing was initially banned when MaximusPrime quickedited out a long paragraph that they posted in some game in the distant past. If you wait at least 10 minutes between each edit, every edit you make will be recorded by the system no matter how small it is. However, it’s just too much of a hassle for the mod team to enforce the waiting 10 minutes between edits rule to avoid quickediting.

Neither quickediting nor system-recorded edits are allowed in-game. If a host sees either of them, you’ll likely be modkilled. No one is going to scumread you for making a typo. If you make a typo, please do not quickedit it out; just quote the post and make a correction reference to that original post in a follow-up post. Do not quickedit content in if you forgot to include something you wish you had as in forgetting to include a player in a PoE commentary post. Again, if this happens, just quote your original post and make this addition in a follow-up post with the quote.

Maintaining brevity and conciseness at all costs (including editing in / editing out typos and other mistakes and unintentional omissions) in posting should never be a priority for players, and it won’t ever be allowed to be. There’s a reason why editing is a feature possible in the MafiaUniverse UI but is always disabled for players in-game. It is not possible to disable this feature within the Discourse UI so enforcing this no editing rule in-game is the best that the mod team can do in this regard.

Again, I was modkilled in a recent game for failing to understand the full nature of the no editing rule. The explanation I received from Luxy on this matter was extremely helpful to me, so I just thought I would provide it to everyone so hopefully no one faces an issue with this no editing rule due to ignorance ever again.


You can quickedit typos, thats not bad…

Quickedits as a whole are banned. Once you start allowing something, it’s a slippery slope when trying to reason what to allow and what not to allow.

Quickediting of typos is not permitted on MU. Editing is not possible in-game there period for consistency’s sake. You should never need to quickedit fix a typo because no one would ever scumread you more for making a typo and you can always just quote that post and put an asterisk with the typo fix in a follow-up post that includes the quote of the typo.

I personally quickedited regularly…
To fix a silly typo
Or to add another line at the end, to not clutter the game with posts, when I am the last poster anyways

My main point when talking to Luxy on the matter is that quickedits are much worse than edits recorded by the system, because they are not recorded so it is never knowable what was originally there. It’s because Maximus quickedited out a whole paragraph of text that this rule was initially created.

If it wasn’t such a hassle to enforce an edit distinction rule, edits recorded by the system might be permitted. Edits recorded by the system do not breach game integrity at all, but quickedits do, big-time.

It’s this kind of mindset that got me modkilled in Mafia Academy. I had seen so many people quickedit typos and other things that it seemed that people thought around here that small quickedits were a lot less bad than edits recorded by the system, when in reality the reverse could not be more true.

I believe @Luxy can confirm, but the reason all edits are banned, yes including typo quickedits, is because there is no way to fairly distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable edits. It’s just a slippery slope situation that is completely impossible to solve. If a quickedit goes unseen by the host, there’s nothing that can be done there besides someone else who saw the quickedit notifying the host to be on the lookout for any other quickedits from that person, but if a host personally sees a quickedit made by a player in-game, that player really should be warned or modkilled, no matter how small the quickedit was.

Again, there is a reason why editing is always disabled for players on MU despite the feature existing in the site’s UI. As a player you always have the ability to review a post more before you submit it and also always have the ability to fix any possible typo or mistake in a follow-up post with a quote and an asterisk.

We’re not bound to the rules of MU or other forums
I just always did it because I learned it this way from Geyde. The intention of the no-edit rule is to prevent people from changing their posts, not to stop people from fixing a single letter.

They do.

I believe the current leadership team @Luxy @PoisonedSquid @eevee believes permitting any editing at all, even quickediting typos, to be a slippery slope, but it’s possible I’ve misinterpreted some DM interactions. I’ll wait to see how they respond here and go with that.

They do not as edits recorded by the system have every prior version of the post viewable by everyone in their entirety.

The only possible breach of integrity from an edit comes from when the original version of the post is lost.

You can easily miss that a post got changed, even when it got recorded, and you can’t quote the original content. This is definitely a breach.

Maxwell if you quick edit out a paragraph or something large enough regardless of the time limit the system will notice

Fact is - people react to posts. If you change it afterwards, even when recorded, the reactions are false.
And you can’t see afterwards when the post got edited in regarding to these reactions.

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System-recorded edits will remain banned because of the hassle it would take to permit them and consistently distinguish between quickedits and system recorded edits, but if an edit is recorded by the system, the original version is fully and easily viewable by everyone. Does it add a big hassle in looking into the post’s edit history? Yes.

This is a very good point that I hadn’t considered and because of this I agree with you that there is some breach of integrity caused by system-recorded edits and now don’t ever want either to be permitted. But I stand by my stance that non-recorded quickedits can cause a much greater breach of integrity in-game than system recorded edits because the original post is just lost forever, and what I was trying to say is that I’ve felt that there has been an unspoken perception around here that quickedits are a lot more permissable than system-recorded edits, and that perception needs to end.

Hey, I was just told by Luxy that the no-editing rule was initially created because Maximus quickedited out a whole paragraph in some game a long while ago.