[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

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I’d not modkill someone for fixing a single letter in a quickedit :wink: that feels… wrong


Luxy said that Maximus quickedited out a paragraph, not that he quickedited in a paragraph.


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Then idk how this all started. That’s what I thought too; I was just relaying what Luxy told me.

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If someone wanted to fix a typo, I’d prefer waiting 10 minutes so that it’s not a quickedit so that everyone can see the original version. Again, I believe @Luxy finds all this to be a slippery slope and a big mess and hassle to try to distingish between quickedits and system-recorded edits which is why all edits are banned.

(it’s 5 minutes btw)
Nahhh fixing a single letter in an obvious typo isn’t bad, but only as quickedit, not later. Might be technically against the rules, but you won’t be modkilled for it.
If you change whole paragraphs afterwards, doesn’t matter if it’s recorded or not, that’s bad.

this would all be fixed if system recorded all edits

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As a host, I would be much more likely to modkill any player over warning them first for a quickedit instead of a system-recorded edit, no matter how small or large the edit. I personally don’t have an issue with fixing a typo in a post so long as you wait 10 minutes first so that it is not a quickedit.

Quickedits are much worse than system-recorded edits in all cases. People need to stop believing that the two or equal or that the reverse is true, even for fixing typos.

I mean, idc, I’m not playing anymore, I’m just telling you how I did it the last 10 months :woman_shrugging:
Just because you got punished for something very severe, it doesn’t mean it’s right to punish every single little mistake with the same rigidness.

More of this is what I was communicated by Luxy than what I personally feel.

They both induce breaches of integrity, but the kind of breach of integrity induced by a quickedit is much worse than that induced by a system-recorded edit because the original post is lost forever. This is a fact.

Even if you published a post containing a typo and think your original, unedited post doesn’t matter when all you’re editing in is a typo fix, it does to the host. No version of any published post should ever be lost forever, no matter how insignificant an edit, and that’s exactly what quickediting does.

I have quickedited so many times. :smile:


Quickedits are recorded by a system if system cant find simlarities, like what Fk did.

So yes changing “FK is scum” to “I like trains” will be noted in history.

However small edits in big posts will not.

I don’t really see it as bad when you’re still in the moment tbh. I can see why systemrecorded are bad though. They just obscure the posts unnecessarily.

I still believe permitting any quickedits is a slippery slope and I believe @Luxy shares this sentiment. If the host doesn’t see it nothing can be done which is why I’m just informing the game in advance that I will probably be pretty vigilant on the matter in any games I host.

poor mod, always gets pinged

I mean, we really don’t have that strict rules about edits.

Imagine I was once modkilled for quickediting typo on MAFIA DISCORD.

Mafia chat is part of game after all so fixing typo on discord is modkillable offense in many communities.