[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

I think a valuable part of gym is teamsports. :confused:

I stop playing FM as a whole. ToL is the game I love, and FM is for me just its toxic, stressful little brother. Why can’t it just be fun? Why can’t it be just a game, I play to relax? Why is every game including unnecessary personal attacks? Why do I have a mental and/or emotional breakdown every single game. Why are always the same people are getting lynched, while other people are nearly unlynchable? Why is there almost no game without at least a modkill? I never cared of becoming a good player or not. I cared for having fun, and I don’t have it.

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Also that’s still extremely wack. That’s like saying I’m on a basketball team in my free time, so I don’t need to attend gym.

Or I play an instrument, so I should get free music credits.

There was a week where I spent most of the week’s exercise attempting to adapt Ultimate Frisbee for three players (me, my dad, and my sister)

also a week where we did that but with basketball

and I think I counted roller derby practice for credit once or twice


W A C K.

I wish I had tried ultimate frisbee once, I like throwing around a frisbee normally.

Like I said, if you follow the rules that don’t matter, you can get away with breaking the ones that do :upside_down_face:

with tol you are at most sacrificing an hour of your time

with fm you are putting days worth of your time into it so there will be more emotional involvement based on that alone

say you make a sculpture in an hour, it’s not good but you had a fun time making it.
Then you spend a month on one, just for it to be destroyed by some jackass.

how would you react to that last one? It’s how people can feel when hours of their time just feel wasted


Some people spend their breaking-the-rules points on leaving their shirt untucked (we had a uniform)

Others of us spend them on taking gym online and starting a foreign language sequence in the second year of it to get around it being phased out

I know which I’d rather do

And that’s why I’m not playing competitive modes in games

or just spend all of your free-time catching liars and lying online and become a convincing liar and profit.

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I’m borderline-incapable of lying successfully in real life to the point where I regularly fail at the step where you say something false instead of something true

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i have lied many a time to my teachers on why a project was not turned in on time

Im a pretty great IRL liar(i guess that’s what you get when you are an only child with protective parents) so i can come up with a good excuse.

I also can vomit on command which has gotten me out of some tests in a pinch.

Because some people are really good at letting their natural villageriness shine through when they are in fact a villager, so they almost never get mislynched, and some subset of them are also good at faking it as scum

and some people don’t really put in effort, and so they tend to get mislynched a lot because no one can actually read them

Most people are somewhere in the middle

Seriously i highly recommend learning how to do this. Like it can save you when you have skeptical school nurses and parents.

im also good at lying

combine hiding your sexuality+acting for 7~ years+fm for 2+ years+super giggly personality

my biggest tell is that i smile or giggle while lying which i can keep under control most of the time

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And some people are great at making their villageriness apparent as town and terrible at it as scum, and/or have very distinctive metas, and those people will tend to get lynched exactly when they’re scum and not when they aren’t scum

Some people have an ability to seem villagery no matter what they do (Alice, Emilia, Arete, etc.)

Others tend to seem scummy no matter what they do (Jake, Magnus, Derps, etc.)

It is correct that most people are somewhere in the middle.

It’s partially activity / inactivity but I feel it has more to do with playstyles than activity.

you didn’t have to use big text.

but you could

and i respect that.