[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

Yeah without the PR it’s something borderline between a harsh warning and a modkill imho
(Modkill would be possible since it was such blatant)

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Yes, that is why I agree with myself getting modkilled there.
I explained later that I would have consented to sacrificing all of my remaining posts for the day in exchange for having made that edit, but I never communicated that to eevee before making the edits. That was a mistake on my part but one due to negligence and not intent.

Typoes are less of an integrity breach when quickedited than documented as it isn’t seen as potentially influencing the game as there is no reason to go back and edit your own posts.

When editing typoes on the scale of ‘quick-edit’ and ‘document-edit’ it’s actually ‘5 minutes ago edit’ and ‘more than five minutes ago edit’
There is no reason to edit something more than five minutes ago due to a typo.
That is why quick editing on typoes is much less influencing than documented.

As a host, I want access to every original post, even if just a typo was changed. It means a lot to me to see what was originally there so that I don’t have to go to a mod to see what was in a post before a quickedit. Also, there are no mods hosting this game so we won’t have access to that tool period (so if hosts don’t see quickedits here, no matter what was changed, what was originally there is just gone), and even if we did, I have no idea how the bot works in determining which quickedits to record and which to not record, and I utterly distrust this bot as I highly suspect it would discard many quickedits that I would have wanted to keep.

What? They never been banned

Idc what MU does. This is FOl and i42. We always allowed quick editing to fix typos. This is stupid. Adding paragraphs like u did was bad. But fixing some stupid spelling mistakes that sometimes are your phones fault are not bad. And never been bad

Which is why whatever you’ve edited is seen as influencing the game which is risky.

This purely has the intention of fixing a grammar mistake.

I’m honestly not against editing that much as long as it does not influence the game.

I’ll wait for @Luxy to respond, and whatever he rules, I’ll stick with.
I thought I’ve been conveying a lot what he’s tried to communicate to me via PM, but it’s possible I misinterpreted him.

In my first game I wanted to delete a message, it was “No.” and it was meant as an answer to a question… but someone else wrote something, so the answer seemed like it was to the wrong post, and I wanted to delete it because of this.
I got warned and told that I shouldn’t delete posts in general, but I was just a confused newbie, so w/e, I learned my share and didn’t do it again.

I remember being told that I posted too much. So I deleted all of my posts and editted them into the last post I posted.
I didn’t get modkilled for it.

If you don’t have a mod as a game host it’s very possible that hosts miss many quickedits that are a lot worse than a simple typo,

I mean, I trust that the mods are nosey and look inside of the quickedit log 24/7 anyway. lol.
That’s what I’d do.

Lesson learned. Don’t give Maxwell Mod, or he will modkill you all for quickediting typos

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Laughs as strict rules are no stranger to me

I’ve never heard of or seen a case where a mod steps in to notify a host of a severe quickedit
Not to mention if all three hosts are playing in the same game that strategy might go out the window.

That’s because nobody does that.

I’ve know that I’ve seen it multiple times
But as they were quickedits and I didn’t act on them fast enough, they’re gone and forgotten by now.
Solic literally admitted to doing that multiple times with nothing happening to him earlier in this thread.

Editing posts isn’t a very common delict. Most people know it, sometimes a newbie breaks it. It’s pretty rare that vets are intentionally breaking this rule.

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Yes, that definitely should have been brought up if he actually does that as bad as he says he does. But I believe Solic is overexaggerating what he’s done.

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Your host mate is the king of quick edits lol

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I would probably be okay with allowing quickediting of typos in my games but only if the nature of what editing is permissable is better defined by leadership here, and I mean a lot better defined.

Eevee literally said earlier in this thread that the official rule is that currently, all editing is banned, period.

If that isn’t actually the case and some minor quickedits are permitted, I really would like the rules to be updated to reflect that and I think that is fair to ask for.