[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

@Maxwell, if a higher power such as god came down and told you what was right and wrong would you immediately start enforcing it?

I mean it depends which god; I’m jewish and I would die before betraying my faith.

I mean Geyde always was (and is) my example for this, since I learned the game basics mostly due to him

That’s why I said a higher power.
Whatever higher power you believe exists.

then is that even a question?

Let’s clarify it:
Yes, quickedits are bad, even of typos.
But yes, it’s a minor offense and it doesn’t get really punished if it doesn’t change the content.

Yes, it is. What if a higher power told you that, let’s pull a random example of something I hope you believe is wrong.
The slaughtering of innocents is right.
Would you immediately start enforcing that?

I mean how do I verify that this higher power is my higher power
That is not something that can be verified very easily



The world would be so much easier if all people always listen to the mods :wink:

Let’s say this higher power is most definitely whoever you believe in. Guaranteed.
He’s telling you that

I don’t feel comfortable answering that question right now is my current answer.

What I’m getting at is why are you enforcing something (the quick-editing rule) because of someone else’s belief (Luxy)

Why not just go with your own verdict on what you believe is right and wrong?

What is even going on here?

Because I don’t know what I believe.
Therefore, I’d like the rules to be clearer on the matter.

We need to stop letting this be a grey area forever.

@Luxy @PoisonedSquid @eevee

if you could take a look at all the interactions in this thread regarding the nature and permissability of editing, and respond to the community on the matter sometime within the near future, that would be greatly appreciated.

It is terrible that typo quickediting has been a grey area for so long; where while not being explicitly permitted in the official rules, it is almost always quote-on-quote “allowed” under the table. If it is to be allowed, please detail as such and also clearly, concisely, and comprehensively the difference between permissable and nonpermissable edits. If it is to remain banned, then please refer to this more directly in the rules to clear up any confusion.

Who knows

The biggest reason I’m uncomfortable answering this now is that my jewish faith often comes into conflict with my very left wing political leanings.
Just a couple weeks ago, a couple members of DSA leadership at my school were expelled after being sued by the Hillel president here for anti-israel discrimination.

I probably should’ve brought up a better example.
The plan wasn’t exactly to ask a religious person, or to bring faith into this matter. That’s why I specified higher-power rather than god.

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I mean when you bring up higher power the only one I would ever listen to would be my own god
So when you brought up that scenario, faith entering the equation was inevitable.

You’re the host, you make the rules.
Just make sure that they are mostly fair. (not always, I don’t think anyone without a proper training can do that, but make them so fair as it’s possible for you)

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