[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

I’ve never hosted before and have no idea what I should do
Which is why I think it’s fair to ask for more comprehensiveness and greater clarity on the no editing rule; I do think the rule needs that because I don’t think typo quickediting being permitted should be a grey area for all of eternity.

Damn, I remember the question being asked and forgot what the specific wording of it was.
I’ll need to find that again.

It’s okay, you’re co-hosting. If there are unclarities for you, you can always let it do the host.
In emergency you can ask a mod or even the spec/deathchat for help. That’s what I did when I had to modkill.


I run to Firekitten for help, personally.

Yes that’s precisely why I begged geyde to let me co-host this game
Because I could really use the experience before hosting Virtuous in January.

Virtuous will very likely be the most difficult game for hosts to process everything at EoN mechanically out of any game in the history of this site because there are so many extremely complex abilities.

Firekitten gives quick, efficient and effective support. They get five stars from me.


Aka, I’m able to run to them when I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing.
Quite a good service.

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@Kirefitten Someone meows about you, you might want to read this ^^



I have a personal favourite that I can’t show people.


I would not start enforcing it. You could even say the higher power was your parents, guardian or whoever.
I’d make up my own mind. I won’t have people telling me what is right and wrong; I’ll make that up for myself.

How so

Try processing a GI game

Lol you should not have used the term “higher power”


I think what Kyo wants to say: don’t follow authorities blindly.


Nah man Virtuous’s abilities are more detailed. complex, and harder to process in conjunction with one another than GI’s were

I’m all for a civil war.