[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

But then if I don’t see it it’s not punishable

Lol. Did I just personally lean myself to the opposite of my original leanings

Yeah, hosts are a little bit like Judges. On one side you have the rules… but you are the person to interpret and enforce them.

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Judgement is better suited for things which aren’t right or possible to define for every case.
It is possible for the edit policy to be clearly defined but it just isn’t. That’s the difference.

When something is explicitly omitted such as to make it a grey area forever when it doesn’t have to be, that’s something I’ll never agree with

Some things need to be addressed game to game. This isn’t one of them.

Maxwell, we really almost never have problems with this rule. Like… almost never ever.

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Like I see quick edits that are just typos fine. And people will most likely call them out if its anything more. It’s happened in the past. Plus Geyde is known to do this a lot. Like adding a whole sentence sometimes. In a post restriction focused game. Enforcing that is way more severe cause you can cheat messing up your pr with that. I’m sorry u got modkilled but this rule imo is stupid and should be how the rule has been since I arrive like 11.5 months ago. Small addition and typo fixing is allowed. Nothing more. No removing

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I want a statement from leadership on the matter, and I’ll wait to get one.

If I would get immediately modkilled for quickfixing an innocent typo, that would feel 100% unfair.


When is the forum constitution being added?

If quickediting typos is allowed, and that’s how it’s always been, put that in the official rules! That’s all I’m asking for.

But, as eevee has affirmed, if you read the rules currently as written, quickediting typos is banned.

I would fully accept and allow this if it was in the official rules. I hate needless ambiguity and always have.

God I remember being modkilled when there was a silence in one game. Cause I got it the moment I sent a message and was modkilled. It was bs

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Banning quickediting typos is just going to make us seem illiterate. I think it’s more a discussion of tacking on a few sentences.

Quick editing typoes is like jaywalking.
Nobody cares, and the law doesn’t enforce it.
It’s just if it becomes a massive problem the law can enforce it.

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I currently agree that is kind of unfair, which is why I really want this to be better defined in the rules.

We already have a rules list now.

I’m all for removing the addition part and making it just just typos. But some people have been doing this for years and it’s never been a problem

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Doesn’t specify all exceptions and what to do when ruling a case.

It’s already written
We just wait for Xblade to sign it
jk jk

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