[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

Slippery Slope doesn’t happen if you are strict in enforcing what is allowed and what isn’t allowed. As long as you lay down the boundaries and never change them and punish anyone who crosses them, you should be fine

It’s impossible to clearly and comprehensively define what kind of edits are permitted and what are not.

Actually, @Maxwell modkill wveryone who edits anything on scumchat, rolecard thread or dead chat.

Yes, modkill dead people.

Rules are: just don’t do shit, like editing after the quick-edit timeframe, or changing more than some obv typos or such, then nothing will happen to you.

It is not watch.


1.You can quick edit to change any typoes. You can’t edit to change the content in the message.

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But why is it wrong to quickedit to change thoughts?

See this mindset is horrible because quickediting always creates a greater breach in integrity than system-recorded edits because the original post is gone forever.

Rules are dont quickedit, even tho we ignored it in many cases cause it was typos only.

But mid has full right to modkill for any edit, even typos.


You are after all on a timer and still in that mindset.

The same reason why it’s wrong to edit out a scumslip if you scumslipped in the main thread


Because it’s fun to win like that???

It isn’t allowed under the current rules, so it’s illegal to win like that.

Eevee can explain this better then I can

Why to public dayvig and then edit it out before host notices.

Don’t edit content
Especially if others already reacted to it.
If you quickedit a typo, who cares.

That’s submitting an action and can be circumvented by only allowing in rolecards

And editing actions is different to me than editing posts. I’m not for quickediting actions.

People should care less if someone edits out a typo in a system-recorded edit than in a quickedit, and the perception is that the opposite is a lot more acceptable
That’s the biggest point i’ve been trying to make here.

Not me.


Its still not allowed.
We ignore it as low affecting thing, but its still not allowed.


No. Systemrecorded edits are ALWAYS bad.