[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

Maxwell is more right

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I mean, sure you can warn for it, but you wouldn’t modkill on the first offense for this :upside_down_face:
That seems fair

Quickedits are always a greater breach in integrity than system-recorded edits are because the original post is gone forever for quickedits, and because of that, they will always be worse, no matter the nature of the edit.

I just did

That wasn’t for a typo…


I modkilled someone for editting on discord once.

Fun times.

Fun sites.

The original post on discord is not recorded when you edit it unless you already had one of those bots in your server that records each edit before the edit occurred
So that was a good decision, if you no longer had access to the original post.

I have done only a single modkill in my whole history :frowning:

Can’t moderators see quick-edits even if they aren’t shown publically anyway?

… I won’t answer that :stuck_out_tongue:
Let mods have their little secrets ^^

I’ve gotten modkilled five times I believe.
Every one was due to ignorance on a new and separate matter, in which I learned the nature of how that matter operated by getting modkilled. All but the recent Mafia Academy one happened close to when I joined this site in February and March when I was brand new to forum mafia.

I am actually thankful that I’ve gotten modkilled that much. There really was no better way for me to learn how each rule worked and how I could ensure that I never broke any of them again.

Quick-editing typoes should always be allowed or else I can’t keep up my facade of being able to spell.

I got warned at least 8 times, but never modkilled… what did you do??

Iv modkilled someone

Nobody saw that.

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It’s not a secret moderators already told us this before

I edited recently in mafia academy as you know
When I was brand new to this site, let’s see
I quoted my classcard in my first game
I paraphrased information in my classcard too closely another time
I unintentionally angleshot in one game
And i think there was one other different thing I did that got me modkilled in a fifth game, although I can’t remember what it was now; it’s also possible I’ve only been modkilled four times total.

Uhhh I mean, all of this stuff is pretty obvious bad, isn’t it? You don’t need to read the rules to know this is bad