[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Although, if the Cult Leader is roleblocked that night, then that will clear them and associations wouldn’t match.

But that’s why I am not leaving that stone left unturned.


That’s lamist and you know it.

:slight_smile: Night Night.

Ah you’re sleeping?

Something tells me Luxy used Carnage that ends up him killed :smirk_cat:


We likely have reaper game, if Sam17Z really intended to poison the king then there’s no way Nighshade Wine is canceled on his own even when lynched. Or he didn’t poisoned the king, simple as that.

However in most simple solution (A.K.A Occam’s Razor) is that Luxy is likely attacked twice by both sides, whether Carnage is used or not, so if that’s true then whoever occupies them is not one of them. We make sure this is consideration.

But enough of night 2 mysteries, we’re here to lynch scum and we’re doing it now.


Why are you all scum?

If he gets lynched wine dosent proc

I think I have a reason to take Alex and Jake out of the POE here for the time being. But it’s not mech info, nor is it really reads. How do I say this… I’ll come back to them in a while.

Also… Why is Derps not in POE?

If his claim is legit, then he will stay be shown as BD, if you know what I mean?

Ah I see its big brain time

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Right, he’s not concern yet.

Take jake out of the PoE.

You’re saying it will be applied at end of day?

That’s how I’m almost certain it works

Well bleeding is different, so why would wine not the same?

No idea why but feel free to ask