[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

New update

King is now allowed to use 4, 5, or 6 hashtags to alter the size of their post :upside_down_face:

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Alright, I was actually trying to get Vul on Luxy but I’m down for your take on Luxy too

Can you walk me through how you got there

Perf- Wait- THIS IS JUST NORMAL BOLD TEXT :frowning:

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Not going to lie I lowkey think Wazza as EK is plausible

more than 35 percent certainly, not sure if more than 50 percent odds or no

I kind of don’t want to focus on that, though, King is less of a threat with no double-vote and it’s not like you can get useful associations from the King

Watch me get converted N1 because I’m one of like 4 people actually playing this game

@CWs you know what to do :upside_down_face:

Look, I would love to be EK, like no joke. I’ve never been EK.

But life hates me.

I don’t think a wolf would be questioning peoples thought processes so often on Day 1. Their reads are confident and their points are all logical, it’s possible they’re powerwolfing but my gut tells me that isn’t the case. A lot of their posts are very productive.

It’s a bit early to tell for sure, I don’t know what skill level Luxy plays at, but it all feels very genuine and towny to me.

The quotes that make me think this way

nod nod

The thing that gets me is that it’s almost all shade but your thought process here feels natural

You can go in my townleanpile for now

I think constant shade on day 1 is TWTBAW, I guess?

I’m pretty sure I only sort of believe in TWTBAW

Separately I don’t think Luxy is regardless of his actual alignment

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On the other hand there’s a part of me that thinks that this ridiculous D1 could be the result of the wolves all lurking

The thread has like zero direction

I mean legit everyone is lurking

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…Yeah, he’s right.

I can’t exactly push anyone to lynch today can I?

All I am doing is making my position clear

lol nice reaction test

anyways imma use my break to eat instead of posting so bye

Hello Kai

You haven’t been your normal confident self and that makes me nervous

Can you help change that if you are in fact town

Orrr not

also i have 15 posts that are mostly fluff from when i was slightly drunk