[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Damn you system

Eh, the thing is that they won’t, not exactly. Like, speaking as someone who has ever played NK, ‘just play like town 4head’ is easier said than done.

Also bear in mind that groupscum wants the NK out too, and also that investigatives are a thing.

If you play as “town” you’ll eventually be caught.

Laughs as I was caught a while back as Electrocutioner

That class was trash tho

If an investigative can’t suspect you as evil, then why waste an investigation?

Anyway, we’ve strayed far from the path.

I’ll just need to check my card a bit.

Quicks into scumchat

So, we’re gonna kill SDA, yes?

No dude we first kill Vulgard, convert Arete, then up Luxy

I’m moderately against an SDA lynch, for meta reasons I have him as a townlean for now

I am not lurking, never had and never will. I am on vacation in america and as such I cannot be on the forums 24/7. Nice shadethrow tho

Do u agree scum17z?

Already I’m tinfoiling a Sam and Arete scumteam Sam semi defender her by chainsawing my response to her and shading me and I think Arete is scummy in her own right based on the way they are being so nice to everyone as well as the lack of direction in her thread direction

Is this a mindmeld I see shurian?

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We’ll see at night I suppose

My night action is planned :stuck_out_tongue:

Its a gut read tbh

What is a Mindmeld?

We thinking the same thing at the same time

expect this game to be solved n1 by me

i know i know im just that good

Who are the scum, wise Kai?

the wise kai must first ponder but the scumteam is forming clearly within my mind

@kaights target arete tonight with your blade to murder them