[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

okay, while true, i also feel good posting a little introduction so point nullified.

Have you considered the possibility that I’m actually being useful

and also the possibility that even in the world where that was what was happening it doesn’t hurt anything to answer

Town not voting


If you’re BD this isn’t selfish at all

Getting mislynched hurts your team and fighting against it is +EV

How in the world is this useful at all other than an attempt to get on player’s goodsides

Just to note
Flailing like a chicken aint helpful

This is Jgoesgaming.

Jgoesgaming is always Town shot or myslynched.

Shot by town as town twice(once by me)

Myslynched twice.

Let’s keep the streak

think my last game was marson

i’m going to be applying the “find the scum based on their opening” thing again

That’s the friendly Luxy I know

It gives us content to discuss that isn’t just ‘lol Office memes’ and that sort of thing


‘lol kai makes jokes about his sexuality causes hes an unfunny shit’

that’s gay


Why do you need that kind of content, and not the content im producing anyway?

Would you rather have office memes, serious discussion or discussing gatorade and kool aid?

@mods I’m bi please don’t ban me for this joke

the council shall decide your fate

Your content is fiiiiiine I guess but you should hurry up and realize that I’m obviously town

Luxy gaining town cred
