[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

I already shared my thoughts on the matter. While you believe something different that is my justification for it

What’s the results fool

But like

you were saying that you thought Vul was scum for pushing on me and Kai

and he barely pushed on either of us

so how does this logic make sense??

Did kai attack someone?



yes he already claimed that we can get past it.

he CSed arete./ arete jailed

I also want an explanation of the Marshal vote, I just double-checked your Iso and you literally never mention him

@Maxwell VC and EoD timer

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oh fuck it this reactiontest is dumb.

wisp is alignment check in FOL now

Also that’s not what Wisp does here, Wisp in FoL is a faction peek

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It was an obvious bait.

Thanks for ruining it

that was also a very dumbass reaction test.

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funny how i reactiontested a reactiontest, and how both were pointless, but that’s not the point

okay mass pingus of the americans coming.

@JakeTheWolfie ( think)
@Sam17z ( i think)

hey americans i fall asleep in 5 hours.

lets come up with a lynch so that our votes mean something and are not mega scattered.

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im busy with marching band atm. The D2 end time was in my SoD2 post.

Feel free to post updated unofficial vote counts at any time as players. I will post an official updated VC and repost the Day 2 end time when I’m done with marching band in about 3 hours.

Unofficial VC:

Vulguard: Everyone lol (69/15)

Okay, seriously, I just re-read Vul and he was V-reading me and defending me at EoD. So occing Vul because you supposedly didn’t like his push on me makes negative sense, since he was doing the opposite of that.

I still want to lynch Sam, I think he’s just a wolf at this point and while I see where you’re coming from with the plan, it also has the potential to waste multiple nights of the Prince’s time

Either way we should decide before EoD so that they have time to change targets if they were on Sam

Unofficial, unformatted VC

Marshal: Sam, shurian, luxy (3/8)
Sam: Wazza, Arete, Poss, Kai(4/8)
Jgoes: Sirderpsalot, Frostwolf(2/8)
Derps: Jake, Marshal(2/8)

nerds i don’t think i got any unvotes.

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