[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

You do know I’m not lying about my d1 reads being bad. I mislynched you d1 last time we played together :joy:

Wish I was neut
But nope
Not neut.

It wasnt 100% mislynch though, one scum even dared to vote me and got killed eventually.

When I die, the game is changed forever.

I got like the worst healing skills in existence that can also kill people who goes to my soulwell if they got delayed and next night I am using the kill switch, all visitors dies.

So it make sense for me to get killed D1.

Because I am danger to the team not only it could potentially heal scum but kill town that want the heal.

For that, I am real hero that game.

What do you think of Arete’s posts so far?

So I just got to work and I’m gonna try and do my best at looking over all 180+ posts as promptly as I can. Sucks when I was asleep for this start.

Any key things to look at while I’m at this?

Arete’s posts

Good morning by the way Possessed.

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I have arrived, time for mass claim yes

Sunday’s already over, you’re too late!

Only Arete really. The rest are mememiness

Personally, the only things that strike me right now are Arete’s “solviness”. It’s odd, he says that he’s trying a new method, but I wanna see where he goes before pushing a verdict.

It’s no longer a null per most ppl here, but due to this being D1, and quite early at that point in time, I’m thinking of pushing it off for later.

Damn did I miss it?

Yeah I claimed Hunter

Lemme get claim list

I’m BD king


Woah, wait. Why are we claiming?

Don’t ask me, there’s no urgency