[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

53, 55, 56 were the only ones to run?


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I mean SFoL 54 did roll and start. It was just canned during Day 2.

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I am a member of the Blue Dragon and I dislike the fact there is no day 1 lynch.
Can’t even threaten people with my triplevote, smh.

Here have my lunch

3 bets say I die tonight

I tried to jail @Ami but I got redirected to myself just now.
What is this tomfoolery?

No rest for the wicked it seems.

Hello Vulgard.

Terrible Day One Read #1:

Frost BD

That’s cold, I like that.

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Also stupid system quoting make me look I am editing.


Neuts can claim now and I may or may not execute them at night.
I know I’m not making this offer very tempting, but hey. It’s the only offer you will receive.

The hosts can tell when the system edits a post rather than a user. Lol

Do you want the evil faction to end your suffering?

Terrible Day One Reads #2: Shurian BD

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Alternatively Shurian neut, but I am not good at neut reads. Or… day one reads in general, which is an oof.
But hey, at least I can’t mislynch anyone yet.

@Vulgard That looks nice and all from Arete, but can he keep the word when he wakes up?

I may want take a read to see what he meant by that on how exactly “meaningful” he meant.

Illidan Stormrage intensifying!

wait…that’s my game rip.

I’m assuming you were asking about my read on Arete, and currently I don’t lean one way or the other.
I don’t know Arete well enough to say if they keep their promises. I’m leaning yes though. :slight_smile:

Yeah I am asking for that, I can’t tell if this is forced coming from him but change of pace would be nice indeed.

Also, do not ask me for reads day 1 because they are not very good and half of them will flip.
Source: BfA is the most recent example.

@Marshal Clear yourself as V in your three next posts so I don’t misread you.

That’s ok, I don’t like D1 most of the time due spamming non-stop. Still I think Arete may be cleared of suspicions this early, I hope he can make reads when he wake up.