[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!


Cant hammer kappa
Just post

okay fine.

Jgoes readslist

and then hammer


Ill be here in 30 mins
For imma need a nap

we need 3 moar votes on sam for hammer

If Jgoes has things he actually wants to do before EoD I think we should let him

I’m fine with using all our time when we have it, we just kind of weren’t getting anywhere but ‘you suck at the game and I don’t want to play with you’ ‘no u’


Anyways I’m going to be responsible and not set my alarm for half an hour before EoD

Hope to see you all in the morning :upside_down_face:

Just a reminder that the neighborizer night plan is:

  • Wazza puts me, Kai, and Marshal in royal chat
  • the Mystic links one of the three of us with Possessed

For everyone else, we can do the normal invests on nullreads/protectives on townreads (note that Marshal claims bleeding)/offensives on scumreads thing that I basically copypaste every game

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Any time, we got two hours left and I will be working that time

No you are nerd, I posted once.

Also wtf 2,4k posts?

Uh no bye

Oops wrong game…

WazzaAzza :crown: Light town because I liked their readslist and I think their earlier “scummy behavior” was because of meta.
AlexejheroYTB – Null although gut says town
Frostwolf103 - Light wolf because their D2 is worse than their D1 IMO.
Shurian – Moderate town for their behavior, I don’t think they’re faking their content.
SirDerpsAlot – Moderate townlean because they were willing to admit their scumread on me was forced. I don’t think he forced it in a scummy way, and I like his other content and general behaviour in thread.
PoisonedSquid - Very slight town because in their scumgames they actually try. I hate this read because I don’t want to encourage this behaviour but we can save this for postgame.
Marshal Moderate town for his explanations for his scummy D1 and their reactiontest on Arete, I was tunnelvisioning him for his bad D1.
Katze – Moderate scum for defending Possessed and their tone in their when explaining their supposed scumreads is different and a lot worse than their tone on their townreads, especially on Derps.
Arete - Town because I think theit reactions and reads are genuine.
Possessed - Scum for the reasons I’ve already explained. He’s also using his claim evidence and misrepresenting the odds of him not actually having checked Sam17z. He may have converted someone who actually checked them, or it may have been an attempt to frame him to escape a lynch.
JaketheWolfie - Town for what he’s softing.
Sam17z - I don’t think they’re ever groupscum due to their tone and the main pushers for this wagon. Some people seem to be voting them for being the NK and I think this formed to deflect from Possessed being voted.
Kai_5 - Greenchecked by SDA, I trust SDA for now. Also Arete seems to know something about them that makes Kai locktown?
Luxy – Honestly getting neut vibes, but that may be because they’re apparently on vacation. I think he’d try more as scum.

PoE: Katze/Possessed/Frost/Alex

I don’t really lke my explanations for dome of these but I can’t explain them any better because I’m on phone andhave to go soon. I’ll explain more in depth D3.

(Why am I so tired…)

alright can we hammer sam

i really want icecream

I admit it’s bad than D1 but that doesn’t make be scumlean

I don’t think Sam is a good lynxh but I’m not sure it’s possible to cfd but I’ll try regardless.
/vote Possessed

*me, not be

Wait, that’s illegal.

/vote Sam